Soothe My Soul

Video Rank: Depeche Mode


Since I’ve been on my Depeche Mode kick the past couple weeks, it has made me truly realize how amazing this band really is. Not that I didn’t think that before but, after delving deep into their catalog, starting with album number 1 till their newest, it’s not hard to come to the conclusion that Depeche Mode is one of those bands that will live on forever. While on this journey, I started to really look closely at their visual aspects. Over the years they have released some of the most artistic and unique music videos. Naturally, you know what that means… it’s time for a video rank! Here are the top ten videos by the one and only, Depeche Mode.


10) Enjoy The Silence:


09) Strangelove:



08) Personal Jesus:



07) Dream On:



06) Where’s The Revolution:



05) Heaven:



04) Soothe My Soul:



03) I Feel You:



02) Walking In My Shoes:



01) Wrong: