Bands That Should Return: Silverchair


Over the past few years there has been a resurgence of bands from the 90’s reuniting. Some have been absolutely great to have back, like Failure, and others, well lets just not mention them. One band in particular that I’d love to see make a return is Silverchair.

Their first three albums are still in constant rotation in my stereo and still hold up. The first album Frogstomp is drenched in teenage angst and despair but, it still resonates with today’s youth. Freak Show is a continuation of that angst but with a bit more social commentary. And Neon Ballroom, the bands pinnacle and most evolved album, is an unsung masterpiece. From start to finish, Neon Ballroom is exactly what the band should have become.  Their follow up albums though, Diorama and Young Modern, were a bit sub par and deviated a bit too far from what the band had evolved into. Granted I know that Daniel Johns is a huge Beatles fan, so that pretty much explains why Diorama sounds the way it does. The way the band disappeared after Young Modern is sort of sad. Young Modern was also a giant departure from their rock sound and focused more on electronics and synths. The lyrics even took on a more metaphorical approach but, still retained Daniel Johns poetic touch.

It’s hard to believe that it’s been 10 years since Silverchair was still a band. I’d really like to see them come back. They were a very underrated band in the sea of grunge/alternative rock bands. When Silverchair released Neon Ballroom, it was cemented that they had the ability to break away from what they were placed in by the critics and media. To this day, that album is one of the best albums of the 90’s, even though it was released in 99.

So what do you say Silverchair? How bout it! Get back out there and kick ass again. The fans want it, and I’m sure deep down you do as well.




Freak Show:


Neon Ballroom:

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