Spencer Pollard

New Release: Bad Optix- Raid

Well this is awesome! For the longest time I’ve been hoping for an Operation Ivy reunion and though that hasn’t come to fruition just yet, this new band I will gladly accept in the mean time. Tim Armstrong (Operation Ivy, Rancid, Transplants), Jesse Michaels (Operation Ivy), Joey Castillo (Circle Jerks, The Bronx) and bassist Spencer Pollard (Trash Talk) have unveiled their new project BAD OPTIX and released their debut single “Raid.” The sound of this single features a classic Jamaican influenced ska contrasted with a vocal approach aligned with the brute force of punk for a vibe that’s updated but not completely disconnected from early ska legacy.

Officially forming in March of 2021, the ska-punk pioneers of Armstrong and Michaels, have over 35 years of history together.  Even with the gap between Op Ivy to now, Michaels says, “our creative connection seems to be stronger than ever and all the music we loved back then, we still love.” The idea to form a band came organically one day when Jesse and Tim met up purely with the intent to reconnect. Of course the topic of music came up and when Armstrong started to play some of his new tracks, Michaels was immediately inspired and sparking ideas for vocals. He explains, “As soon as we started writing together, we found that we had the same collaborative energy that we had in the past, so it was natural and fun just to keep going.” Tim also adds, “It came back, just like that. Like when we were kids. There is a special chemistry between us and I don’t take it for granted.”

Now this isn’t Operation Ivy or is it pretending to be. Instead this is something a little different with a vibe that I have a feeling once there are shows, the intensity will be ever growing and bombastic. But my fingers are still crossed hoping for that OP IVY Reunion!